New variable Star HassfortherV46

By blinking Stardial-images the star GSC 5122 790 proofed to be variable.
(2000) 18h46m43.3  -04 53.9928
= GSC 5122 790
= IRAS 18440-0457

Checking 211 Stardial-images from 1996 to 2000 showed GSC 5122 790 to be a semiregular variable star.
A period analysis showed the period to be 129 days.
The amplitude in the system of Stardial ist about 0.4 mag.
Differential Photometry was done with MIRA AP 6.03 with respect to GSC 5129-29 (V=8.72, B-V=1.2).
In fact this new variable star was one of two check stars for GSC 5129-29, the comp star of HassfortherV45.

New variable star HassfortherV46

Periodogramm for HassfortherV46

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Gestaltet von Béla Hassforther. Letzte Änderung: 22.10.2001
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