New variable Star HassfortherV45

By blinking Stardial-images the star IRAS 18436-0505 proofed to be variable.
(2000) 18h46m22.0  -05 2.5779
= IRAS 18436-0505

Checking 211 Stardial-images from 1996 to 2000 showed IRAS 18436-0505 to be a Mira star.
The period is probably around 480 days judging from the lightcurve with Maxima around 2450960 and 2451440(:).
Differential Photometry was done with MIRA AP 6.03 with respect to GSC 5129-29 (V=8.72, B-V=1.2).
There is a nearby star (GSC 5122 886) which contaminates the measurements when V45 is weak.

New variable star HassfortherV45

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Gestaltet von Béla Hassforther. Letzte Änderung: 22.10.2001
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