New variable Star HassfortherV43

By blinking Stardial-images the star GSC 5118 470 proofed to be variable.
(2000) 18h50m43.42  -03 34.51
= GSC 5118 470
= IRAS 18481-0338

Checking 212 Stardial-images from 1996 to 2000 showed GSC 5118 470 to be a semiregular red variable star. The period is in the order of 35 to 40 days, the amplitude up to 0.2 mag. For the following 3 light-curves all good images were used. Differential Photometry was done with MIRA AP 6.03 with respect to Hip 92200 (V=8.81), GSC 5118-388 and GSC 5118 484.

Variable star HassfortherV43, 1997

Variable star HassfortherV43, 1998

Variable star HassfortherV43, 1999

A check of the available TASS-measurements proofed the star to be variable with a small amplitude. In the TASS-Photometry the star is red:
V = 10.95 (20 measurements)
I = 6.87 (23 measurements)

The Stardial-project is one of the most fascinating aspects of the WEB, many thanks to Peter McCullough!!
The TASS-Database is a very valuable source to check and verify new findings. Many thanks to the TASS-people!!

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Gestaltet von Béla Hassforther. Letzte Änderung: 22.10.2001
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