New variable Star HassfortherV19

By blinking Stardial-images the star GSC 5074-545 proofed to be variable.
(2000) 17h19m49.788s  -5d 13.9854 (from GSC)
= GSC 5074-545
= IRAS 17171-0510

Checking 198 Stardial-images (123 detections) from 1996 to 2000 showed GSC 5074-545 to be a Mira-star.
In the system of stardial (between R and I, but more I) the range is 9,0 to smaller then 11,5.
The period is about 236 days.

Comp star = GSC 5074-152 (BT=10.749 VT=10.161, V=10,10 B-V=0,54), adopted I = 8,97 (calibrated with TASS).
Check Star = GSC 5074-549 (BT=10.613 VT=10.109, V=10,06 B-V=0,474), adopted I = 9,39 (calibrated with TASS).


New variable star HassfortherV19

map of the new variable star HassfortherV19

Color picture:
color-image of the new variable star HassfortherV19

The Stardial-project is one of the most fascinating aspects of the WEB, many thanks to Peter McCullough!!
The TASS-Database is a very valuable source to check and verify new findings. Many thanks to the TASS-people.

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Gestaltet von Béla Hassforther. Letzte Änderung: 22.10.2001
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