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The new variable star HassfortherV01

The new variable star was detected by blinking stardial images and first announced in vsnet-newvar 383 (25.04.2000). Stardial consists of a redfiltered Kodak KAF-0400-Chip, so the magnitudes are a combination of R and I.

HassfortherV01, Data
Pos. (2000):   17h25m10.7s -3°08´04.0"
Identification:   Hassforther01 = IRAS 17225-0305
Identification:   Hassforther01 = ASAS 172511-0308.1

Measuring 311 Stardial-images from 1996 to 2003 showed that HassfortherV01 is a Mira-star.

The star reaches 8.5 in I, according to the TASS-Photometry. ASAS3-V-magnitudes reaches about 12.7, the star is therefore very red. The amplitude is higher then 2.3 mag in I.

Lightcurve and elements

Lightcurve of HassfortherV01
Lightcurve of HassfortherV01 (311 Stardial-measurements), created with AVE

Lightcurve with ASAS3-data
Lightcurve with ASAS3-data

A period Search with AVE revealed a period of 350 d. The phased data with this period:

Phased data of HassfortherV01
Phased data of HassfortherV01. Diagramm created with AVE.

The following elements give a good fit to the data:
Max = 2450591 + 350d x E

Next Maxima:
JD 2453041 = 05.02.2004
JD 2453391 = 20.01.2005



HassfortherV01, stardial-field (stacked image) bh01, Detail-Karte
Full Stardial-Field of BH01
= HassfortherV01 (stacked images).

bh01, Color-image from Schmidt-Scans

Color-Image of HassfortherV01 from Schmidt-Scans.

asas and stardial-images of HassfortherV01
ASAS3 and Stardial-images of HassfortherV01. At left a typical example of an ASAS3-image, in the middle a combination of six ASAS3-images, at right a drizzle-combined image of sixty Stardial-images. Note: the focal-length of the Stardial-camera is only 50mm!

Color image of HassfortherV01 created with ASAS3- and Stardial-images
Color image of HassfortherV01 created from the ASAS3- and Stardial-images shown above. The very bright orange-red star is the Mira-variable AH Oph. HassfortherV01 is in the center of the image (31' x 31', North is at top).

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Designed by Béla Hassforther. Last modified: 08.10.2003
URL of this page: http://www.bela1996.de/astronomy/sd/bh01.html